Infant Orphans

For over 30 years we have rescued the sick, dying and unwanted precious babies of Burkina. Scores of babies have been saved and nursed and grown to healthy preious children – All for The Glory of God. Below are just a few examples with typical stories that have been saved through our infant orphanage. 

Beginning in 2024, we are now going in our local village to feed, help and minister to the local orphans and the widows to care for them. Many of our orphans, for many years, were sent to us from surrounding areas far away that no one else would receive. We sensed that it was now time to reach closer to our compound and school to the local orphans and poor here at our own village of Tintilou.

Nacoulma Louis

Louis is 7 years old. His mother is a madwoman. No-one knows who is his father.
Social workers save the D-day of his birth and took him to our nursery where he still dwells, joyful and full of life.

Sankande Oubeitou

1 year. Her mother died when she was 2 months of age. 
Her step-mother couldn’t take care of her, so her parents asked our help.


Has no family name. His mother went to a rich man’s home to do laundry just for good.
That wicked rich man abused her (defiled her). But she was too ashamed and afraid to  file a complaint to the police.
But she was not quite in her mind. So she told her secret to her sister in low. Two months later, she realized she was pregnant.
Then, her sister in law told the secret to her brother, the husband of Salomon’s mother. The lady had to choose between her baby and her marriage.
As she didn’t want to leave her two other children, she asked the help of our nursery


She is 1 year old. Her mother too is a madwoman. She got two children before Princess.
But all of them died since she stays outside under sun and rain, and without nothing to cloth or eat.
Few days before Princess’s birth, a good woman decided to watch the madwoman and save her baby.
And she succeeded! She took the baby and her mother to social workers who came with her to our nursery.

Rosa and Rosine

Rosa and Rosine are twins. They are 16 months.
Their mother died when they were 3 months. 
As their father couldn’t take care of them, they were sent to us.

Esther Kietmore

8 years old. She is a fruit of incest. Burkina’s tradition’s didn’t allow this kind of children to live.
Now they are no more killed the day they come to the world, but can’t stay in the family because no-one wants them.
She has been in our nursery since her birth.

It is rather bittersweet but Esther has left us after 8 years and was adopted by a wonderful family this past month.
We will miss you Esther and we pray God’s richest blessings upon you and your new family.


Anifa is 3 years old. She was victim of maltreatment. Her father has got two wives.
Unfortunately for him he knocked up a young girl. He was forced to welcome the girl and the baby in his home.
But his two wives so mistreated the baby that social workers decided to save the baby and sent her to our nursery.

Alima and Dissiratou

Alima and Dissiratou are twins too. Their mother died when they were 3 months.
Their step-mother decided to take care of them but she quickly got sick. Then the babies were taken to us.


Naïm lost his mom on the day he was born. The mom’s pregnancy was difficult, meaning that she suffered. On the delivery day, she had to go through a surgery. The surgery was done but unfortunately the mom didn’t survive. Naïm was directly brought to our nursery from the hospital. The nursery is the only place he has known. This place is a home to him an the nurses are like moms to him. The other orphans are his brothers and sisters. He is 15 months old, doing great and he is happy. He could not be like that now if God hadn’t sent people through RDM to help them. Naïm, we love you!


His name is Toussaint. He one year old. Toussaint lost his mom on his day of birth. Toussaint has never been in his biological mom’s arm. He never got the chance to kiss her and hug her. The death immediately happened after the delivery. Toussaint who could be alone in life has found a family. He has a place where to sleep, food on the table and brothers and sisters who love him. Toussaint, you are not alone. We love you!


Maybe, Louis will never get a chance to know his father. Even tough his mom may be still alive, he may not get the chance to know her. Louis has been in the nursery for 6 years a half.  Everything which is known from Louis is that he came to the world from a mentally sick mom. This woman who was mentally disturbed fall in pregnant from an unknown person. When Louis was born, he was directly brought to the nursery


Zenabo’s mom died on her birth day. She has been in the nursery for 2 years and 5 months. Her dad is still alive but he is very old and needs assistance. The Refuge, our nursery name, has been her home since her birth. Zenabo, we love you!


She was brought to us over one year ago near death, very sick and severely malnourished. She is now Safe in God’s Hands at Our Refuge Orphanage – Greatly Loved and well cared for.


Patrice was born on March 9th 2017.

His mother died three weeks After she gave birth. And Patrice was brought immediately to our nursery. Unfortunately, his father too died when He was one year old. Since his arrival, four adults died in his family. Nobody comes to see him at the nursery. They think He is cursed. But we know that Patrice is Loved by Jesus and us and he is Blessed of God.

Kabre Dassiratou and Kabre Alimata

KABRE Dassiratou and KABRE Alimata are twins (girl’s). Their parents were in Ivory Coast. Their father did his best to heal their  mother who was sick. Unfortunately she finally died when they came back to Burkina. Mr KABRE though his three-months-old-daughters  would have the affection of their ant Who lives in the same house with them. But hope less, she didn’t care about the twins. A very kind woman accepted to help but she too is very sick now. The father was despairing. He didn’t know God has already prepared the REFUGE for those who are helpless. Presently they are safe with the nursery’s staff and other children, their new family.

Sakande Aibeitou

She is  2 months. Her father died before her birth. Her mother died a week after her birth. Her step mother who has a baby too decided to breastfeed her and her own baby but there was no milk enough for the two babies. So the uncle took the baby to social service of Kokologo and they came with him to our nursery.

Traore Anifa

She is she is 1 year 9 months. Her  father has two wives. Anifa is the fruit of an adulterous relationship. The two wives were ill-treating the little girl too much. So the social workers decided to withdraw her from her step mother to save her.

Wendkuuni (Gift of God)

Arrived August 27th at 6:00 PM. Her mother is mad. Nobody knows who is the father. This is the third time that mad woman gives birth. The two first times the Children died because nobody took care of them. Wendkuuni was saved by an old lady that found out quickly that the old lady gave birth and called the social workers.

Glory to God --

Thank you everyone for your donations so far, if it weren't for you we wouldn't be where we are. We appreciate your Faithful support so that we can Fulfill the Vision and Mandate that God has given us for Burkina Faso.

– OR –

Mail Donation to:
RDM/Child’s Hope
PO Box 650175
Vero Beach, FL 32965