Gospel To The Nations


Together we are stronger. Matthew, the great evangelist of RDM has understood it. The field is so vast and the work requires a lot of workers. Matthew left Ouagadougou with a group of evangelist to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in a village    called Tougoury. Tougouri is at 3h30 mn of road trip.



Many people at Tougoury had not yet hear about Jesus. The best way to reach them was through music and film. In order to mobilise many people, a door to door visit is organized.


The material is being set up, and soon all the village will hear songs about Jesus    Christ. The good music will attract the villagers to the evangelism place. The first people to show us are the kids. And thanks to the kids, the parents will show up too.    


We believe in the unity of the church. RDM does!  The Apostolic Mission Church where Jean, our director is an assistant pastor, co-organized with Matthew’s team a crusade in the suburban of Ouagadougou. The church provided a truck to help with the evangelists and the materials.


Many came to watch the movie and the gospel was preached