Pengwende Evangelism Story

Zongo is an area that is located at 20 kilometers from the city of Ouagadougou. At Zongo, one can feel and see poverty everywhere. In this area of the country are gathered the poor and the vulnerable families. Sometimes it is so hard to find water at Zongo. Electricity is a luxury there. Not many have access to it. Besides this natural darkness, there is also a spiritual darkness. Many people at Zongo are enslaved by the devil. Darkness invades their natural and spiritual life. We may not have right now the means to bring electricity or pure water to Zongo. But we have the Light of the World to share with them. Pastor Pengwende that we dearly call Glory to God went to share Jesus, the one who said that “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in the darkness, but in the light”. That person is Jesus of Nazareth.

On February 25 and 26, Pastor Pengwende went with a small team to sing, show a movie, and call people to repentance in order to have a fellowship with Jesus.


These are some of the materials required to sing and show the movie. We see a guitar, a sound system, and a projector.


Everybody is so focused in watching the movie.


In two nights, Pengwende and his team shared the gospel to all categories of people: kids, youth, adults, and old people. A chance is given to all ages and social groups to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and get saved. At least 800 people heard about Jesus Christ in two nights.


140 people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior


15 people received a personal prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Pengwende leads the second evangelism group. This group is facing many challenges mainly the lack of equipment. There is no camera, no tricycle. The sound system is not in a very good state. They do not also have light projectors making the pictures so poor.

We are thankful to God and to our donors for what we already have. Thanks to the generosity of many, the gospel is preached to crowd in Burkina Faso. We continue to pray God to raise up more donors so that together with the grace of God, we may face the challenges and overcome them in Jesus name.