Glory to God

After a blessed rainy season and a busy effective month of October with Pastor Gordon’s visit, Pastor Glory to God returned to the field for the harvest. Two villages were reached with the good news of Jesus Christ. The first village is called Komtoega.  Komtoega is located at 3 hours away from Ouagadougou. It is a village with a lot of non-believers that actually needed to hear about Jesus Christ. Glory to God to make a great impact on this crusade mobilized many brothers and sisters in Christ to support him in reaching this village. A bus was rented to bring all the participants on the crusade site.


After a blessed rainy season and a busy effective month of October with Pastor Gordon’s visit


A movie on Jesus was presented to the people of the village. Showing a movie is always something special to the crowd in Burkina Faso villages. They do like it and it is always an opportunity to share Christ with many.


After the movie, the crowd was invited to accept JesusChrist as their Lord and Savior.


Many adults were ready to submit their lives to Jesus.


Many kids were also saved!


Many people benefited from Glory to God prayer for the healing of their sicknesses.


500 people attended the crusade and 50 people were saved.  On the following day, Glory to God worshiped with the local church. The New converts came and worshiped the Lord too.

Thank you RDM for your support in this ministry. God bless you all!


Another crusade was held in November too in Komsilga. At 30 minutes away from Ouagadougou.  Two hundred people attended this crusade and 20 were saved.


The new sound system that Gordon brought was used. What a blessing!


Glory to God’s son is playing the guitar, and the drummer isa member of his church.


This young man who sings with Glory to God was divinelyhealed from a mental illness. Now he sings with Glory to God and support him inthe ministry.


Many kids were saved!


The new converts became part of a local church.