Somdaogo’s Testimony

Christ changed my life in one day! Somdaogo, from Satan to Jesus.

We preached at the market of Samba and we clearly talked on the power of Satan and the power of God. We told our audience at the market that Satan can use somebody to do evil, but at the end he will destroy this person’s soul and his afterlife.  But God is able to raise someone, wash him,use him for his kingdom, and then give him eternal life. We told them that Satan does not have a longtime friend, he ends up destroying his “friends”, but God never gives up his friends. At the end of this short evangelistic message,47 people surrendered their lives to Christ.

In the evening on the same day, we had a film and right before the beginning of the film, a man whose name is Somdaogo came to me, he brought me aside and asked me: how did you get to know my life? Everything you said in the market this morning was about me. He told me that he hast some Christians brothers, but they never talked to him about Jesus. He said that after the message, he repented from his sins, and surrendered his life to Jesus. At that moment, it was like a veil was taken off from his eyes, and something like a rock fell on his head. When he felt hit by the rock, He did not feel pain but joy. He cried when he was sharing his testimony. He was sad because for a long time, he worked with the devil without knowing that the life in Jesus is better.

When Somdaogo went back home, he shared his conversion story with his wives. He admitted that he liked everything that was evil. He admitted to have killed people, burglarized many houses without being caught. But God saved his life. He even declared that before coming out to watch the film, he threw away the gun he used to do evil. Somdaogo watched the film and at the end of the film,he stayed with us till the morning

On the following day, we went to Somdaogo’s house and shared the gospel with the rest of his family members. 17 people got saved in Somdaogo’s house: his wives, kids and one of his brothers.

Yes, Christ is still at work!‍