Greetings friends and family of Child’s Hope Africa / RDM.

We are so thankful for you and your faithfulness in giving into God’s kingdom. You are helping us minister to the Precious Ones of Burkina Faso. God has given us such favor and blessed this outreach for over 30 years and we look forward to even greater fruitfulness in the years to come. Our Precious infants and children who the world calls poor, needy, orphans, abandoned, and forgotten — We Call them Our Loving Family who are Blessed of God and by YOU, our friends and partners!!

You can see the beautiful compound at Tintilou with Maranatha Christian School and The Refuge Orphanage overflowing with the lives of our Precious Children being Loved, Learning, and Growing in Jesus and their Academics. Our newer motel building accommodates our volunteers and groups . We continue to pray and ask for your prayers as well for Burkina and its leaders. We must continue to ask God to move so that peaceful times can prevail and we can welcome volunteers and share God’s Love freely in Burkina.

We are blessed with a great loving and faithful staff who care for our infants and school children. They teach academics with excellence and the Gospel with power to our Precious children. Thank you for your prayers for our children and staff. 

We are farming more of our land to supplement food for our children. We are teaching our people to farm and labor so that our resources will go further to help more orphan children, the poor, widows and the needy. We pray we will continue to have great harvests in the years to come!

We are reaching out to local and remote villages with the Gospel Message to reach those in need of God’s Love and transforming power. Our Evangelism team travels most months to unreached villages with music, dramas and powerful messages by Anointed Pastors, Evangelists and Church members who have a special call for Evangelism. We have approximately 20 members who join together as a team, representing many different churches from Ouagadougou area. Just as Papa Bob began this Great Work we are continuing by the Grace and Favor of God.

I continue to serve on a volunteer basis so that your donations can go directly to Burkina. We would love to have you partner with us so that we can continue and increase God’s Work and Papa Bob’s Legacy. Please Pray and ask Father God what you can do to help us to continue our Season of Our Greatest Fruitfulness for Eternity in Obedience to Him.

Sincerely In Him,
Pastor Gordon