Learn about our mission to
West Africa and how it all began.


Rice is not affordable to most of the Precious Ones that we minister to in Burkina.  We are included in the 10/40 window of countries which consists of over five billion Precious Ones of whom 60 percent are the most UNREACHED people groups in the world.  Burkina is considered one of the poorest countries in the world.  As I ministered to these widows, they committed to sharing some of the rice with those even less fortunate than themselves.  Between them, they also said this will help collectively to supplement the food supply of approximately 160 of their extended family members!  The need is great!  A bag of rice costs $38 USD per bag.  Please help us to purchase more rice for the poor of Burkina in Jesus Name.


Prov 19:17 NKJV —-

He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,
And He will pay back what he has given.

Help us Love, Protect, Feed, Clothe and Teach Our Precious Orphans of Burkina.

Wells Construction

For many in Burkina, Life and Death are determined by Clean Water being available to drink. Many villages have no wells or they are dry and destroyed. We have many hundreds who travel great distances to access our wells.

Due to difficult traveling conditions with rough terrain paths for the large trucks and the hard ground to penetrate costs are high. The terrain damages equipment and materials as the water is very deep to access in most places. Our last two wells cost us $12,000 and $10,000 respectively.

Please prayerfully consider giving to help us Provide Life and Water to the Precious Poor Children and Adults of Burkina.

Pastor Conferences

Preaching and teaching the Uncompromised Word of God to Churches, Bible schools and Pastors Conferences have been and still is Our Great Burden, Call, and Passion.

Please help us transport, feed, house, and Bless the Precious Pastors of Burkina of whom most receive no compensation for their labors. We have God’s Word and Mandate to Inspire, Encourage, Instruct, and Refresh them in their Call and Gift.

Zorgho Radio Outreach

Approximately 20 years ago Papa Bob began broadcasting over the radio waves reaching into some of the remote Villages surrounding Zorgho. Once a family member has received a radio, many family members, friends, and fellow villagers will gather around to hear the radio so it is a wonderful tool and opportunity to share the Gospel to the unreached.

These are our Pastors of Zorgho who Preach God’s Word to reach many in the remote villages. We must purchase and distribute more radios so more can Hear The Gospel!!


Why should some have the opportunity to hear the gospel many times when MANY have never heard The GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST even Once??

This is God’s Heart and Ours to Reach the Unreached. In Burkina we are in the 10/40 Window. It is the 10 to 40 degrees latitude north of the equator. This window includes approx 5 Billion of God’s Precious Creation of whom approx 60% are Unreached People Groups who have not Heard the Gospel.

Please help out teams who are going out continually to the Unreached Villages to Share Christ.

Our Equipment and Transportation needs as well as purchasing rice and food to feed our teams, neighboring Pastors and the Orphans and Poor is tremendous. Thank you for giving to help us to Reap an even Greater Harvest of Souls in years to come.

Tintilou Compound


Maranatha School Classrooms

We were able to complete and occupy our classroom building No. 1 in recent years which had been under construction for several years.  We still need to finish exterior painting, signage, and plant more garden areas around it for children’s food supplement.

God’s Blessing of our new classroom building this year was a gift from a French Humanitarian Organization. We have increased our school population with more orphans and the poor by over 20 percent.  Our school was ranked 5th out of 40 Government schools in Academics; and our 6th-grade teacher, Peter, won No. 1 Teacher of the Year!

The Refuge Orphanage

This was the first building constructed on  compound approximately 16 years ago. It houses our Infant Orphans.

Infirmary & Motel Rooms

This houses our  Nurse who provides Medical Services and First Aid to our School and Orphanage . To the left are sleeping quarters for our volunteers and groups visiting to help us

Motel #2

This Motel Building recently completed also houses volunteers and groups who visit to help and serve Our Children and the Vision.





These are just some of our crops to help supplement food for our Children. We will be increasing more next raining season. Please Pray that we have Plentiful Rains during our July – September rainy seasons so that we will have Bountiful Crops.

Our Team

– God has Blessed us with the most Amazing, Faithful, and Committed Staff. We are so Thankful to
HIM and to each one of them for their sacrificial service and labor of love in this great work. –

David Ouedraogo and family

Director of RDM Maranatha Christian School

Pastor Matthew

Matthew's Team For Evangelism




Kindergarten Teacher


First Grade Teacher

Mrs. Tossavi

4th Grade Teacher


5th Grade Teacher


6th Grade Teacher













Glory to God --

Thank you everyone for your donations so far, if it weren't for you we wouldn't be where we are. We appreciate your Faithful support so that we can Fulfill the Vision and Mandate that God has given us for Burkina Faso.

– OR –

Mail Donation to:
RDM/Child’s Hope
PO Box 650175
Vero Beach, FL 32965